Svecial Exaninstion of Zyes

At all followup examinstions an ophthalmologist has examined the eyes of
all individuals.

To date no lesions ascribable to lonizing radiation have been

Similar studies have been made on the eyes of non exposed Marshallese

and the incidence of eye lesions is identical in the two groups.

As mentioned earlier there was burning of the skin,

On first examination

by the medical team on the 9th post exposure day the exposed people appeared to
be in good health and the skin was definitely normal in external appearance.
Evidence for the development of skin lesions commenced approximately two weeks
after exposure,

During the early stages of development of the lesions, itching,

burning and slight pain were experienced with the nore superficial lesions.
deeper lesions the pain was more severe.


The deeper foot lesions were the most

painful amd caused some of the people to walk on their heels for several days dur
ing the acute stages.

Some of the more severe lesions of the neck and exillae

were painful, There were no constitutional symptoms associated with the skin lesions.
The characteristic sequence of events in the development of the lesiors was the
occurrence of symptoms, then of black pigmented areas, small in size whick grew
larger in size and coalesced.

Later the skin began to shed from the inside of

the pigmented plaques to the outside and in sone cases resulted in the production
of large depignented areas.

In most of the lesions the shedding was limited to the

superficial layers of the skin.
of superficial ulcers.

In some the process continued with the development

A few became infected.

The appearance of these skin burns

can best be illustrated by referring to Chapter III reference (1) where kodachrone

pictures illustrate the sequence of events.

In addition to fe skin burns, loss of

hair, spotty in neture occurred in sone of the individuals,

The heir grew in asein

with normal color end texture and the regrowth was complete in all except possibly one

riddle eged man in whom it cane in somewhat sparsely.

Smell pieces of skin were



Select target paragraph3