_Mr.,C. B. Vickery (APSI)

8 March 1973

In addition to the above, there are also many DASIAC documents such as

weapon test reports and PORs related to specific tests conducted on Eniwetok Atoll.
For example, the REDWING series of events has over 200

references in DASIAC,

A random check of these documents indicates that

they are not particularly useful for preparation of impact statements; there-

fore, such references have not been included in this bibliography.

Additional environmental materials are being added routinely to the
DASIAC file; therefore it is planned that the enclosed bibliography will
be updated.
Very truly yours,

—W. W. Chan |


cc: Mr. M.E. Stevens, DNA {({LGLS}
Mrs. P. Steadman, DNA (APTL)
LCdr. A.B. Traminell, FODNA (FCTA)

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