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fog” &

The film is deficient in terms of adequately

the U.S. Goverment position towards the conduct

tests, the importance of agreed effective safegua rded dise

armament, and U.S. efforts in making the "Peacefu Dn Atom"
available for the benefit of mankind.

AEC Memorandum re Soviet Weanons Test Announcements.

AEC memo, dated April 15, 1957, was distributed to mer bers of
It was agreed that Mr. Salisbury of AEC and Mr. Hansor
TIA, would prepare for early consideration of the working group a draft

the working group.

statement of the type proposed in the referenced memorandum,

It was agreed that the working group would meet on cal Tt of the

Chairman for review of the draft amnowicement and to prepare a recomnenda-

tion for the OCB prior to its luncheon meeting of April 24.

It was recognized that the timing of the proposed ann


would have to be carefully considered in relationship to a possfible note
to the Soviet Union inviting Soviet press and military represenfbatives to
the Nevada tests in exchange for a written agreement which wo
reciprocal privileges to the U.S. to attend Soviet tests, It

that if a decision is made to dispatch such a note to the Soviets, the

weapons announcement should be delayed until the Soviets accept] or reject

the U.S. offer,

/s/ Richard Hirsch

OCB Staff Representative

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