i January 1958 to 31 January 1958
Subcontract No, 108, Appendixes B, C, and D

this informal monthly progress report is the third of a series submitted
in partial fulfillment of Subcontract No. 108.

The information is regarded

as preliminary and subject to further verification and analysis.


Forty-eight ASP motors, 96 Loki motors, 5 moedified leunchers, and

18 new leunchers have been shipped to the Pacific Proving Grounds.


modified launcher is still at WSPG.


Fifteen programmers have been built, and 45 more are in production.
Some modification of the design was necessary after the programmer was flown
in the test vehicles, but other tests yielded good results.
design of the sequence firing equipment is complete.

being made, and no design changes are anticipated.


Prototype units are

Twenty-four launcher

boxes and five master control boxes will be built.


The operational characteristics of the diffuser-filter assembly were

ebserved in a wind tunnel test conducted on 30 January at the NACA Ames

Aeronautical Laboratory.

Results were even better than expected, fully

confirming the design calcvlations.

The records are expected to arrive

from Ames by 14 February, and a report on the test will be forwarded when
the data have been analyzed.

Select target paragraph3