AOC RBS 7538 September 25, 1980 REPOSITORY Donald Pagl M.D. Department of Pathology University of California Los Angeles, Calif. 90024 Brookhaven Vat. La C cncae becosaslaut [E. OK! COLLECTION Li BOX No. ~7 ce / p Files WA . & si LAQ ha Z DerAkDd, roLoen PALI, Dear Don: The letters have been sent out to recall all the thyroid pathology specimmne. We'll work something out in respect to the consultation, but I dontt know what it's going to be as yet. lad told you, I can't find out exactly what Pratt In respect to your part of the 26 Year Report: On page 5, line 6, the phrase “test group" confuses me. Do you mean medical group that I took out or do you maan the Joint Task Force 77 The latter was certainly capable of extensive dosimetry and making radiochemical meansurements. Whether they did it I do not know. On page 5, line 13, the word "isopleths” is a new one to me. Page 5, line 19, I agree that there are very wide margins of error for doses due to internal deposition, but the error of external gamma radiation I don't believe is subject to such wide errors. With the possible modification of these statements, I have I suspect your discussion of the pathology and clinical course desire to eliminate cancer as related to the thyroid may cause lot of trouble. However, that's the way it is and I don't see for not going ahead and sending it to him. Best personal regards, Sincerely, Eugene P, Cronkite, M.D. EPC:mb ie k 4 no problem. and the Conard a any reason