” Honorable WR. Boryood



December 20, 1966

be reteined for use by the AEC Hedical Survey Team. As you are
mware, DASA continuesto heave lend leases on a number of sites iaclud-

ing the land occupied by the three buildings ve vish to retain on

Utirik. Should DASA decide to give up ite leases, this office will
continue to pay rental on the site occupied by the three Utirik buildings.

We would also expect to enter into a formal lease arrangement

for this property should DAS: give up ita leases.

The cooperation of your office in returning the Marshallese patient.
to her home on Rongelap in mid-October is very much

appreciated. As goon as Mr. Heine hes notified Dr. Conard of a firm
Yebruary ssiling date for a ship to Rongelap, ve will probably request
your assistance in obtaining an SA-15 geaplene about Fobruary 28.1967,
and again about two weaks later for the Medical Survey Teanx.

Your interest in our problems and your cooperation ere very much appreciated and ve essure you ve shell cont nue to msiotain an active
interest in toe welfare of tne people of the Trust Territory.
Very truly yours,


William A. Bonnet
cei Dr. Conard, Upton, L.I. Rew York
James E. Reeves, Mgr. USEC, wVOO


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