




The rebaht ication and repestlonent program,whet wes denigaed to dovetalt |
with, the clesanp activities fin omerto make natin use of the Department . |

of Defense logietic support,ayates, also bas been on schedule enti afew
a _monte ‘ego when several new,factors came “dnto play.



=a Congress, to date, beesppropricted g12,4eiillios for the rehabilita*toa and resettlementportions of the Enewstek program, Bince the Pebebilt~
* tae

Toject involvedconaiderebie construct ion work and was to be car-

ried aut over an epproxinate five-year period, the authorisation act
=(eee.103, Fels 95-234) provided for 8 construction escalator clente,
é : Carefal Placning and efficient execution of the first components of rhe

forwerd on tchedula, without exceeding the 1976 cost cotimates,


contractors, up to the and of 1978, however, enabled the progran to est:


.“Fohsbi Litation project by the Trust territory Administration and its

Se lange of the Stoll bad the residential and ain egricoltoral ceuters,
. sieprograa tnoluded the conetruction of ‘jis benzsee in two communities
-Sand exp Gosmmnity centers (since there ere to be sepernta commemities

“onthe delands of Enewatak and Medren), end the planting of aame41,000
x:“eoeeunt trees, e& woll a8 other foodcrope on the islands which were
"steredns by the Deparheent. of Exergy to be suitable for sgciculturel
* tse Large islend of Engebs de: the porth was not to be used, be-

” eaves ‘dte level of ceston-stront{us conteaination hed nat decreated to
levels scceprable to the Deportwent of Energy.


By, the begioning of early January 1979, infletionsry costes began te

be2 felt, ani it was knoe ‘thet escalation costahad reached $300, 000,

Wee 51993


The project, ia briet, called for the development of the southern

Select target paragraph3