


Mr. Floberg suggested that the U.N. observers beper~ttedto
see one of the othex shots a thus eliminating the e~ra obsewer shotGeneral Starbird replied that AEC should test a weapon already proven
to be clean by a previous test, rather than risk one of the new devices
not being as clean as expected. The United States would suffer a serious
setback, he said$ if a weapon which it had chimed to be cleans proved not
to be before a group of U. N. observers.
Mr. Libby suggested tit be
President be asked to reconsider his proposal to invite U. N. ob~e~ers
to the next test series.
Mr. Graham observed that tlw Commissionts long range interests
might best be served by reducing the number of shots for Operation
and thereby reduce the possibility of arousing public
opinion against further tests of any type. He

.“. ...’.


Select target paragraph3