a program of comprehensive health care for all of the Marshalls, and
a program of comprehensive health care for the people of the four
naned atolls.
Because the peoples of the four named atolls now reside throughout

many of the islands and atolls of the Marshalls (it being estimated


that they now live on 50% or more of the 26 atolls and islands that

constitute the Marshalls), and because of the ethical and practical
difficulties of providing one kind of medical service to one individual
while not providing it to others in the same community, ¢he—slternative

preferred—by the Loma Linda proposal +e an upgrading of the overall
Skcvisienw oF) A
health program and|comprehensive health cares throughout the
Marshall Islands.


This prepeeed=pean would provide for medical

assistants on each of the inhabited islands and atolls, supported by
a professional medical staff that would provide secondary and
some tertiary care at the two Marshall Islands hospitals on Majuro
{and thereby reduce the substantial volume of,
and Ebeye,/ dweh secondary and tertiary care %# currently provided
in hospitals in Honolulu. The plan calls for a training program
landhigher-el Marshallese medical personnel’
for medical assistants/and for improved supply andfacilities

The plan relies primarily on local transportation

(service by the Airline of the Marshall Islands$


facilities, notablythe-Alie_Marshetis-sorvice where available,{field
trip ships¢ and chartered vessel service elsewhere, rather than the
provision of dedicated surface vessels or aircraft.


ef Inproved radio communications between the medical staff at the

Select target paragraph3