-9contract, contemplates for each of the four named atolls the carrying out of comprehensive surveys and analyses of the radiological status of the atolls at appropriate intervals, but not less frequently than once every five years; the development of an updated radiation dose-assessment; and an estimate of the risk associated with predicted human exposure. The Environmental Monitoring, Research, and Dose Assessment Program Plan would utilize results of past and current DOE research programs in the Marshalls, but would also require new and direct monitoring of samples of locally-produced foods, soil sampleseodtection, groundwater and cistern water sampleseedbection,. dietary and consumption habits, and Gamma measurements. ow Additionally, research would need Orne & QUES Tov 5) ee be conducted ower a wide variety ofarose, such as radionuclide cycling in atoll ecosystems, radionuclide distribution in copra products, and radiological dose assessment and risk analysis. The estimated cost of this new program for the first full year would be $1,140, 000, if it were carried out in conjunction with on-going DOE Marshall Islands programs. The cost would increase to $4,170,000 for the first year if the program were conducted by individuals or organizations that functioned independently of current DOE Marshall Island programs. 3. The Education and Information Program, prepared for Interior by the Department of Energy, under contract, contemplates a program to enable the people of Bikini, Enewetak, Rongelap, and Utirik, and ‘