Roger Ray, DPO, NV
W. J. Stanley, Dir, PASO


I strongly urged him to contact Roger Ray since he asked me for suggestions

on whom he should talk to on this issue.

As I was leaving Kwajalein for Honolulu I was informed that Dunmire met with
Minister Anjain who restated his gripes about treatment of the Rongelap

people, and that we should expect a letter from Dunmire on the matter.

I effected a charter on PMA for the H&N pier repair work force for


November 29, 1982 (Ponape time) from Ponape to Enewetak.


H. U. Brown
Program Liaison Officer


1. Questions by Asahi TV
2. HUB outline of answers to questions posed by Asahi TV
3. ..RMI (GMI) Ltr of support to Messrs Uematsu and Toyosaki
e Telegram to Mr. Uematsu, Asahi TV
- Mrs. Betwe’s permission to photograph child
6 - Copy of Asahi TV reporters cards

Select target paragraph3