to show clearcut abnormality,

It is noteworthy chat no thyroid

abnormalities have been noted in children that received lesser

i.e. the 6 children in the Ailingnac group,

tne 54 chiidrea

in the Utirik group and the 48 unexposed children in the sane age range.
Only 4 cases of abnormalities have been noted in the aduits, 1 of these
occurring in the lesser exposed group. ic should be noted that a low
incidence of thyroid enlargement does appear in older people (greater

than 50 years of age) of the Utirik and unexposed population (See
Table III).

The thyroids of 12 children and 2 adults have seen subjected to
surgical exploration and the nodules removed. On surgical exposure,

the thyroid gland was seen in most cases to be multinodular as shown in

Fig. 2.

Note the varied size of the nodules from several millimeters

to several centimeters, some being cytstic, anc some hemorrhagic.
microscopic diagnosis in all but one case was adenomatousgoiter.


3 shows the microscopic appearance with the wide variation in size of


follicles closely resembling adenomatous goiter seen with iodine deficiency.

Some pathologists claim to see radiation induced changes ia the thyroid
glands but others do not.

Fig. 4 shows the microscopic appearance of the

mixed papillary and follicular carcinoma with localized metastases ina
lymph node in a 41 year old woman.

The nistologicai cxaminations of the

thyzoids showed that in the children the tissues surrounding the aodules

was usually abnormal while the thyroid tissue surrounding the nodular
areas in the two acult cases was relatively normal.

During the recent survey of the Marshallese peopfe in March 1969,

it was found that 3 of the cases with accules wao had been exposed at

less than 10 years of age had not shown satisfactory response to treeat-

ment. In tact lL case showed a recurrence of a nodule that had previously
disappeared in spite of the fact that this subject lad supposedly been
on thyvoid treatment.


She complained of a lump in her throat whea she

One new case of nodularity of the thyroid gland was found

in a 34 year old woman,

‘These cases will be returned to Brookhaven

National Laboratory in the near future for evaluation and possible surgery.
Based on anthropometric measurements and bone age radiographic studies

it became apparent several years after exposure that some of the children,
particularly boys who had been exposed at less than 12 years of age
showed slight degrees of retardation of growth. This was particuiarl,
marked in 2 boys who had been exposed at about 15 months of age wiio were

considerably shorter in stature than brothers who were a year younger. 4]

It has become increasingly clear that the retardation of growth noted
in some of the children is associated with thyroid injury bringing about
hypothyroidism. This was not detected in earlier years due to the fact

Select target paragraph3