Part VII

Biology and Medicine
Soil Sampling and Comparison of Collection Methods
Studies involving the monitoring of the distribution of fallout over the surface pf the earth
have been extended. The analysis of gummed-paper samples from more than 100

termine their radiostrontium content. In addition, the discrepancy between data c
ing comdifferent techniques is being investigated. Data from gummed-paper samples are
pared to those from collection pots placed at about 20 gummed-paper stations in
tlle United

States and abroad. Stations were selected for these comparative studies in a m
r which
would provide samples from a variety of climates. In the analysis of soil samplesl studies are
being conducted to establish the reliability of chemical methods for estimating notfonly the
total strontium content but also the amount of strontium 90 available for plant upt eas related
to the available calcium content.

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Distribution of Radiostrontium in Foodstuffs
distribuMore information is being collected from foreign countries for research ont
tion of radiostrontium in foodstuffs. Samples both of foods in the composite diet
urine are being collected in Turkey and the Philippines by survey teams of the Int@rdepartmental Committee on Nutrition for National Defense, in which committee AEC Is
The samples will be analyzed by the New York Health and Safety Laboratory. Infofmation is
also being collected on the foods which provide the major source of calcium, the
per capita consumption, and the average calcium content of each foodstuff. These data may helpfto determine the Importance of such factors as geographic location, calcium content of so—%s, and
local dietary habits in the distribution of strontium 90 in foodstuffs.


Laboratory supplies the most important data available on induced mutations in m
which extrapolations to human populations can be based.

The United Kingdom has also been supporting at Harwell a smaller mouse gemetics project, which is now being expanded. To ensure that the Harwell and Oak Ridge proj@fts are



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