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Project 11,2 + SAMPLING - H, F. Plank


Senplingaio was conducted with two P-84G, and five B-57B type air~
craft as programmed in "Project 11.2's Detailed Sampling Plans", H. F. Plank,
16 April 1956, 1174JFE.

The altitudes, penetration times, and radiation exposure:

chosen were similar to those used in CASTLE,

It was assumed that radiation inten

sities within the cloud would be typical of those found for the CASTLE high yield

devices, (See Preliminary Report Saar Operation CASTLE, page 87, REF:
JF-6022.) in spite of the high burst height planned.
Sampling — are summarized in Table 11.2~1.
the samples collected were disappointingly small.

In #pneral,

Of five, only three were large

enough to permit the determination of yield by the relatively inaccurate "total
uranium method",




mission afforded Project 11.2 the first opportunity to test

critically the effectiveness of sampling direction from the B-57B type airplane
and to establish experimentally the distribution of radioactive debris from a hig]

burst in the miltimegaton range.

The six B-57B type aircraft available for cloud

sampling on REDWING were equipped with flight, commmication, navigation, radiati
and sampling instrumentation, so that any of them could be used, either as a samp
ler, or as a control platform.

This provision eliminated a requirement for two

additional aircraft for control purposes, such as the RB-36's on CASTLE, with a

consequent reduction in operational costs,

The B-57B proved to be greatly superior to the RB-36, as a control platform,
and to the F-84G airplane, as a sampler: with bomb-bay fuel and filter units at +
wing tips, it has a five hour flight time capability, and was able, both to dire



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