


Project 8.5-- Airborne High Resolution Spectral Analysis - Ralph Zirkind

To determine the spectral distribution of the irradiation of an

airburst megaton device at an airborne station and compare
identical measurement from a surface station,

with an

Also, the fireball color

temperature is to be determined by utilizing transmission data based on

a statistical analysis of simulated runs.
The spectral distribution of irradiance is obtained from a medium
quartz Hilger Spectrometer.

The spectrum is sampled in narrow bands

by photocells in the visible region and PbS cells in the infra-red.


electrical signal of known output and spectral distribution froma
fixed point on the ground towards the aircraft.

The attenuated beam

is received by a detector in the aircraft and recorded on a Heiland

The detector consists of two filtered photo-multiplier tubes

sampling two spectral regions, (1) .3-.55 microns and (2) .6-1.05 microns.
In addition, a quartg filtered calorimeter, 22 degrees field of view,
is utilized to measure the approximate radiant exposure received at
the spectrometer.

The aircraft was located at the planned position.

(The P2V

a race-track pattern south of GZ (oriented 106° ~ 286°r)

at 23,000 feet absolute; broke and proceed in-bound on a heading of

106°T, to be in a tail-on position at To, with a horizontal range of

92,620 feet).



Select target paragraph3