Project 8.4 = Thermal Effects on the Strength of Aircraft Structural

Sandwich Type Panels - LCDR A. Julian
The objective of this project was to determine the effects of shortduration, high intensity thermal inputs on the strength of aircraft
structural sandwich type panels, and thereby to establish critical temperature limits for delivery of special weapons by aircraft utilizing
this type of construction.
Two distinct efforts are required to accomplish the objective of

Project 8.4; a field phase and a laboratory phase.
The field phase, accomplished with participation on ah 2?

Shot (CHEROKEE), is directed toward measuring the temperature-time
history in the specimen panels, and making visual observations of panel
behavior under irradiation.

The laboratory phase will be to determine the strength and moduli
changes in irradiated panels as a result of transient heating of the type
producing the temperature-time histories measured in the field test.
Instrumentation for the field phase of Project 8.4 consisted of exposing several types of representative aircraft structural sandwich panels
to thermal radiation effects.

The test display, erected at Station 840,01

on Aomoen (GEORGE) contained several types of instrumented panel specimens
in no-load mountings.

Also, panels of a variety of face gages (0.008 inch

to 0,032 inch) and colors (gray and white) were exposed in an attempt to
obtain variations in temperature rise.

Temperature history was taken by

thermocouples mounted on the panels and was recorded as a function of time.


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