Project 8.2 also had 12 calorimeters at Aomoen (GEORGE) directed

to the expected point of burst above Namu (CHARLIE) with which to
measure the radiant energy incident on the combustible specimens,


front of both specimens and calorimeters were screens of various trans-=
missions, to vary the amount of incident radiant energy.

Because the bomb burst was not directly over planned target zero,
the direct radiation from the entire fireball entered the cells at an
appreciable angle, irraiiating only a small portion of each specimen at

Aomoen (GEORGE) and missing the specimens entirely at Yurochi (DOG).

The small sensitive elements of the calorimeters at Aomoen (GEORGE)
were illuminated by only a part of the fireball, and it is doubtful ir
the oscillograph deflections can be given a meaningful interpretation,
The wood specimens were charred to different depths depending on
their densities and the transmission of the screens.

Some of the specimens of black and gray alpha-cellulose papers,
newspapers, and pine needles were ignited, so that on these the critical
ignition energy was well bracketed.
Ignition was not obtained on the grass, cotton denim, rayon cloth,
or the white alpha-cellulose paper.

Corrugated fiberboard was burned at

Yurochi (DOG) by the radiation from a part of the fireball at an unknown
calorie level,

The critical ignition energies for these fine materials

cannot be ascertained from the test.

The manner of mounting specimens

for ignition test and of exposing them immediately before shot times ~
both tried for the first time in this field test - were highly successful,


Select target paragraph3