
Field of view, quartz filter, 22 degree field of view

(9)Field of view, quartz filter, 45 degree field of view

Field of view, quartz filter, 90 degree field of view


Field of view, quartz filter, 160 degree field of view


Radiometer, quartz filter, 90 degree field of view

The NRDL recording spectrometer was used at Stations 811.01 on
Aomoen (GEORGE) and Station 811.02 on Bikini (HOW).

This spectro-

meter was used to measure the spectral distribution of irradiance
as a function of time with a time resolution of 50 microseconds,
The NRL bolometer was used to measure the irradiance as a
function of time with a time resolution of 50 microseconds.


bolometer channels were located at Station 811.01 on Aomoen (GEORGE)


and two at Station 811,02 on Bikini (HOW).
All of the instrumentation with the exception of two aiming
point cameras functioned satisfactorily on this shot.

All the

reliable data obtained at the Yurochi (DOG) and Aomoen (GEORGE) stations
was from instruments with a field of view greater than 45 degrees and on
Bikini (HOW) with a field of view greater than 30 degrees.

All of the

spectrometer data and at least half of the bolometer data were lost
because of the large bombing error,
view less than those

The calorimeters with fields of

specified above for each station will not give

usable data.

A preliminary reduction of the data without the aid of precision equipment gives the following results:

mt pe

Quantity Measured

©«810.01.-«SSs«sTotal’ ergy


Maximum Irradiance
- 78 -


Select target paragraph3