tance from actual GZ at Ty» 57,000* ftzslant range at T,, 64,000 ft
horizontaldistance from actual ground sero at T,» 192,000 feet (H ¥
175.4 seconds),

Temperature rise lower surface elevator ~- —- ~

(,025" skin) TC #26

Temperature rise in quartz covered therm- ocouple (#31) on lower surface elevator

Temperature rise on Radome (TC #19) --~-+-.

Overpressure from Boom (See Note 1) ----.
Overpressure L. H. side fuselage (See Note 1
Load factor increments due to gust

At center of gravity -----+- cf eee


At tall------ wee ee ee eee,
In photo recorder (shock mounted) - - ~ -

Note 1.

The A3D-1 aircraft started a turn prior
to shock arrival and therefore was not

exactly tail-on at this time.


The ASB-1/CP-66 positioning worked very nicely and the A3D-1 aircraft was in its correct position based on real time at time of release,
Errors in the count-down combined with missing certain time—counts made

time correlation very difficult.

Improvements in the system for the es~

tablishment of time zero position have been developed, but the ASB-1/CP-66
system will not give the desired accuracy in after-the-fact positioning
required for data correlation,
It was planned to utilize Raydist for positioning and tracking the

*Horizontal distance from actual GZ is based on the assumed location of

actual GZ (1.e., 20,000 ft, bearing 060°T from intended GZ).

distance from intended GZ at T, was 38,000 ft.


(This position is based

on the readings taken from the°ASB-1/CP-66 system at entry into the abor'

turn and shortly after time zero, correlated with calculations of the ab

flight path made from the known ¢haracteristics of the aircraft).


£0 /DGE



Select target paragraph3