Project 5.6 - In-Flight Participation of an F-lO01A Aircraft ~
Capt M. H. Lewin

The objective of Project 5.6 is to determine the responses of an
in-flight F-101A aircraft to the thermal, blast and gust effects of a
nuclear detonation.

A correlation of the responses, combined with known

characteristics of any weapon, will be used to define the maximum safe
delivery capability of the aircraft.

The aircraft was instrumented with radiometers, calorimeters and q
pressure transducers to measure the thermal and blast inputs and with
strain gages, thermocouples and various other instruments to measure the

aircraft responses to the inputs.

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aircraft was positioned to theoretically receive sufficient thermal input to produce a AT of 260°F on the .0C20 skin covered honeycomb surfaces
of the aircraft based on the positioning yield and an on time position.
With the pre-shot announced timing errors possible, the aircraft could

have had a AT of 400°F.

The aircraft was to fly at 25,C00 feet absolute altitude on an inbound heading of 111°T at a ground speed of 800 fps.

It was planned that

the aircraft would pass 5,000 feet abeam of ground zero and be at a hori-

zontal range of 54,500 feet at Ty plus or minus 8,000 feet.


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On shot day,

the aircraft was aborted at H-& minutes due to a malfunction of the
Raydist Positioning system,



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Select target paragraph3