Project 5.5 - In-Flight Participation of F-84F Aircraft Capt R. F, Mitchell
The objective of this project is to determine the response
of the F-84F weapon system when exposed during flight to the
effects of a nuclear detonation,

Waiter - Instrumentation of primary concern consisted of 37
thermocouples located in the right flap, right aileron, right wing,
right stabilizer and the engine inlet and outlet.


instrumentation consisted of time zero fiducial signal, radiometer,
and calorimeters located at sta. 80, bottomside of the fuselage,
Barley - The instrumentation consisted of strain gage bridges

located at Sta 90 and 150 on left and right wing; Sta 365 on the
fuselage; Flt. Sta 12 and 35.5 on the left and right stabilizer and
W.L. 20 and 53 on the fin.

The forementioned strain gage bridges

yielded bending moment information.

Structural responses were related

to energy inputs with overpressure transducers located on a nose boom

and in the sides of the fuselage,

A total of 100 channels of in-

formation were capable of being recorded,

Waiter - Aborted the mission
Barley - The research vehicle F-84F was at 28,000 feet absolute

altitude on an inbound course of 057° to the sout AZ, The primary
consideration was to have the aircraft interce
the shock wave.


perpendicularly by


Select target paragraph3