"G" meter to determine turbulence in the cloud, a clock to give time
in the clroud‘and an altimeter to show altitude of penetration.

A self-recording dose rate instrument is also installed in the
aircraft which is equipped with timing markers to show cloud entry and

It automatically starts recording when the radiation field

reaches l-r/hr,
The aircraft were equipped also with Bendix dosimeters, NBS film
packs and film badges to indicate total dose received on the mission,
Contamination levels on aircraft which penetrated CHEROKEE were
in general too low for film studies.
The contamination studies consisted of surveying the aircraft with
both gamma and beta survey instruments for the purpose of obtaining the
general contamination level on and in the immediate vicinity of the aircraft.

Based on these data individual film were placed at selected

points on the aircraft.

The exposure time for the films is determined

from the instrument survey,

These exposures give an autograph of the

particle distribution, the general background and a measure of the beta
dose from the particulate material.

Comparing these values with the

gamma survey is one of the methods for determining the beta/gamma ratios.
In addition film stacks are exposed to the aircraft to permit a study of

the energy distribution of the beta spectrum and to determine the beta/
gamma ratio.

Preliminary analysis of the film data indicates that the

particle distribution, beta/gamma ratio and beta contact dose are
essentially consistent with that found on Operation TEAPOT.









Select target paragraph3