Two high speed vessels were outfitted with devices for measuring

radioactivity as a function of depth and in the air.

These two

vessels were stationed outside the fallout area during the shot and
then proceeded to survey the fallout area making measurements out to
about 300 miles from GZ.

Approximately twenty-five surface samples

and a number of samples from depths were taken for Project 2.63.

Prior to CHEROKEE oceanographic surveys were conducted in the
Marshal) Island Area and in the Bikini lagoon and a field report
"Radioactivity Background and Oceanographic conditions in the Pacific

Proving Grounds at the Start of Operation REDWING" was submitted on
10 May 1956,


The post shot fallout survey found only one minor trace of

activity in the ocean water at a distance of 260 miles and a bearing
of 330° from GZ whose importance is questionable.

Further evaluation

is necessary to establish the significance of this area,
A postshot survey indicated insignificant radioactivity in the

Bikini lagoon,
Radioactive fallout in the skiff area was not of sufficient
intensity to trigger the recording instruments,


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Select target paragraph3