Project 1.3 4 Shock Photography - J. Petes
To measure free air peak shock overpressure as a function

of distance in a horizontal direction at burst height and vertically above the burst.
To determine the blast yield.
To study the effect of the nonhomogeneous atmosphere on
shock transmission,
To study the effect of the surface and heating of the air

near the surface on shock transmission.


The instrumentation for this shot was smoke rocket photography.
The rockets, both Deacon and 5,0", were fired from two stations.

One was on the south end of Bokobyaadaa (Able) and the other was on
the reef 12,000' SW of Bokobyaadaa (Able).

The cameras were located

on Aomoen (George).
The rocket instrumentation and the cameras functioned properly
but as a result of the bombing error the films obtained for the
project are probably of no value,
All other films obtained by FG&G that might be of use to the
project were inspected.

Four films were found that may be of limited

Through two of these films a limited amount of pressure

distance data at burst height may be obtained.

The other two films

may be of some value for a study of surface effects.


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