Four Bhangmeters at the control point operated successfully for time-tominimum data,

\ Insufficient data exist at the present time
to allow a closer determination of Bhangmeter yield in this yield range.


of~fall data are not yet available.



Final Estimate of Burst Position ofMMMM(CHEROKEE): The fireball was

seen by the Chieerete phototheodolite, whose alignment was found to be accurate
within 2' of arc by surveys taken before and after the shot.
The Aomoen phototheodolite did not see the fireball directly, but exposure
on the edge indicated it was just out of the field of view.

Using the radius of

the fireball at breakaway, the azimuth of the optical axis and the field of view
of the Aomoen phototheodolite, a minimum distance of GZ from the Chieerete photo-

theodolite, was obtained.

Radar pictures of the fireball were obtained giving absolute position of GZ
with a maximum expected error of 500 feet.

This point lies on the Chieerete

phototheodolite line 500 feet beyond the minimm distance required by the Acmoer
The Bokebyaadaa camera line of sight gave an intersection with the Chieere
phototheodolite line of sight 200 feet nearer than the radar position.

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Select target paragraph3