production program, weapons program, and reactor program, Esch
section was given by a representative of the respective divisions

Ceeee eeTe tisDepartmen

transmitted to the Federal. Civil Defense Adwiniatration on weapons
effects data is continuing, Earlier in the year, the Joint Chiefs
of Staft iemued a directive under viich AFOMP operates in providing
classified weapons test information to FCDA. Subsequently, FCDA
recommended that. discussions be held between the three agencies to
determine future policy in this area, Concurrence of this proposal
was given in a letter from the Chairmen of the Commission to the
Departament. af Defonse (AFSWP), eid the Chief of the Civil Defense
Liaison Branch was named as the Comission representative.

Instrument and Source Loans,



During the month,

Insteuments - Delaware Civil Defense Organisation

Cobalt 60 Source - Hew Hampshire Civil Defense

This represents the first loan of a high intensity (5 curtes)

Cobalt, 60 source to a State group for the purpose of calibrating

their civil defense radiological detection inatrumente and is an

extension of the cooperative AEC-FCDA program to asaist State ani


local. civil defense bodias in theixy training and operations.

mectings became apparent when a mumber of scientists involved in
research assigneents found that most of their tine was apent in
adwinistering research. Research adainistration was recognised as


Select target paragraph3