Chantetee pr PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL REMOVED a NEW YORK UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER Institute of Environmental Meclicine AQO1492 3350 FIRST AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY 10016 AREA 212 679-3200 ANTHONY J. LANZA RESEARCH LABORATORIES AT UNIVERSITY VALLEY LONG MEADOW ROAD. STERLING FOREST, TUXEDO, NY. MJATL ANO TELEPHONE ADORESS: 550 FIRST AVENUE, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10016 June 30, 1378 Dr. Robert Conard Senior Scientist Medical Research Center Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, New York 11973 Dear Bob: On Thursday, June 22, 1978, radiation measurements on Mr. Mr. . Mr. Island and resided there for I performed whole body and is a Health Aide on Bikini four years after the period of testing. He was born on ‘ , is 62.8 cm tall and weighs 56.6 kg. Additional anthro opomorphic measure- ments for head, Laboratory. Mr. chest and trunk are on file at our . lives on Majuro Atoll approximately 400 miles south of Bikini, and was born on is 65.6 cm tall and weighs 79.3 kg. AIlotherbody - He measurements are likewise on file at our Laboratory. Mr. _ by Mr. and _ and Mr. Oscar DeBrum, Mr. were accompanied to our Laboratory Bill Scott and Dr. Jan Naidu. The first measurement performed on Messrs. ee utilized a 20 x 10 cm NaI(T1) detector with the subject in-the standard "chair" position. In this configuration it was possible to determine the whole body content of Cs-137 and K-40 after suitable control subjects (i.e., men of similar height and weight) had been. subtracted. Results for these two nuclides for each of these individuals is given below and in Figures 1-5. Mr. - Mr. , ©€s-137 1.7240.004 uCi K-40 = 0.13+0.01 pCi K-40: = 0.1240.01 .uCi je h In? Cs-137 = 15.940.500 nei *Error terms represent counting statistics only - 1 S.D. **Values obtained by Dr. Stan Cohn for Cs-137 were 1.62 pCi for Mr. and 25.0 nCi for Mr. . These values are in good agreement with the values measured at our Laboratory. a 50 Ig § 39 PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL RE MOVED 14332