0.5 rem/yr for a member of the popu-

guidelines, and, again, are lower than


in the United States

The bone doses listed for

Enewetak Atoll in the Enewetak Radiological Survey Report! were converted

(see Table

In final analysis it appears that

to bone marrow doses and included in

for living patterns with diets com-

Table 34 to allow comparison with

posed of locally grown products and

doses from Bikini Atoll.

residence on the larger islands at

The Federal guidelines for whole

Bikini Atoll, which are more suitable

body and bone marrow are listed in the

for residence (i.e., Bikini and Eneu

last column of Table 34 for comparison

Islands), no living pattern is pos-

with the predicted doses for each of

sible that leads to as low a dose as

the major living patterns at the two

is possible at Enewetak in the south-


ern half of that atoll,

Doses predicted for Bikini


Island and Engebi IsIand exceed the

data® from the only other large island

guidelines, while the Eneu living pat-

at Bikini Atoll, i.e., Namu, indicate

tern is very marginal.

that predicted doses for this island

The use of the

southern half of Enewetak Atoll leads

are more similar to those predicted

to predicted doses below the federal

for Bikini Island,

The field portion of the June 1975

Crites (Lawrence Livermore Laboratory),

vadiological survey of Bikini and Eneu

Rod Eagle (Lawrence Livermore Labora-

Islands of Bikind Atoll was accom-

tory), Harley Erwicker (Trust Terri-

plished by a very intense and thorough

tory of

effort of 21 people representing six

Greenhouse (Brookhaven National Lab-

different organizations.

oratory), Paul Gudiksen (Lawrence

The number

the Pacific Islands),


of samples collected and the amount of

Livermore Laboratory), Gale Holladay

information obtained during the ten-

(Lawrence Livermore Laboratory),

day survey is a direct result of

Keller (Nevada Operations Office,


cooperation and diligent effort of the
following individuals:


ERDA) , Dennis McBreen (Trust Territory
.of the Pacific Islands), Tommy McCraw

Wayne Bliss

(Environmental Protection Agency, Las

(Division of Operational Safety,

Vegas, Nevada), Bruce Clegg (Lawrence

Ben Mendoza

Livermore Laboratory), Dave Coles

ratory), Vic Nelson (University of ©

(Lawrence Livermore Laboratory),






(Lawrence Livermore Labo-

Vic Noshkin (Lawrence

Select target paragraph3