dose via the terrestrial foodchain on

from Bikini Island from the diet with

Bikini Island is 23 rem for whole body

the exception of coconut, i.e., Eneu

and 37 rem for bone marrow compared to

diet plus Bikini Island coconut, gives

Eneu Island where the respective doses

a further reduction in bone marrow and

are 2,0 rem and 3.3 rem.

whole body dose of approximately 20%

The 50-yr

integral doses, of course, show a sim-

over removing Pandanus fruit and

ilar difference.

breadfruit only (see Table 31).

It is clear that the


living pattern on Eneu Island is much

ever, comparing the Eneu only diet in

preferred to that on Bikini Island for

Table 28 and the Eneu diet plus coco-

reducing potential dose to returning

nut from Bikini Island in Table 31, it


is clear that inclusion of coconut from

The impact of removing Pandanus

Bikini Island increases significantly

fruit and breadfruit grown on Bikini

the bone marrow and whole body doses

Island from the diet can be seen in

relative to a diet totally derived from

Table 31.

Eneu Island.

The bone marrow doses are

For comparison, the 50-yr

reduced by nearly one-half (a 30-yr

bone marrow dose from a diet derived

dose of 18 rem and a 50-yr dose of

totally from Eneu is 4,7 rem, while the

20 rem), while whole body doses are

Eneu diet plus coconut from Bikini

reduced by approximately 40% (a 30-yr

leads to a dose of 21 rem.

dose of 14 rem and a 50-yr dose of

whole body doses from the two diets are

20 rem).

2.8 rem and 17 rem, respectively.

Removing all other items

The 50-yr

Dose Summary and Discussion
Tables 6 through 9 list the 10-,

dose contributes nearly 36% of the

30-, 50- and 70-yr integral doses for

bone marrow dose and 50% of the whole

each exposure pathway, plus the sum of

body dose.

all exposure pathway for each of the

water pathways, assuming that the

six living patterns.

drinking water on Eneu is from the

As an example,

The marine and drinking

_ground water system, each contribute

the 30-yr integral dose in Table 7

about 3% to the bone marrow dose and

will be examined.

For Pattern 1 (living on Eneu
Island and diet from Eneu Island),

1% or less-to the whole body.


fore, in Pattern 1, 93% of the bone

terrestrial diet contributes 57% of

marrow dose and 98% of the whole body

the bone marrow dose and 48% of the

dose are contributed by two pathways,

whole body dose.

terrestrial and external.

The external gamma





Select target paragraph3