Bikini Atoll is one of two sites in

Six living patterns were evaluated.

the northern Marshall Islands that was

One was based on living and obtaining

used by the United States as testing

all subsistence crops from Bikini

grounds for the nuclear weapons pro-

Island, another on living on and

‘gram from 1946 to 1958.

In 1969 a

obtaining all subsistence crops from

general cleanup began at Bikini Atoll.

Eneu Island, Other patterns consisted

Subsistence crops, coconut and Pandanus

of various combinations of housing and

fruit, were planted on Bikini and Eneu

subsistence crops from’the two islands.

Islands, and housing was constructed

The terrestrial pathway contri-

on Bikini Island.

butes the greater percentage, ex-

A second phase of housing was

ternal gamma exposure contributes
the next highest, and inhalation

planned for the interior of Bikini

and marine pathways contri-

Preliminary data indicated

that external gamma doses in the

bute minor fractions of the

interior of the island might be higher

total whole body and bone marrow

than in other parts of the island.



The radionuclides contri-

Therefore, to select a second site for

buting the major fraction of

housing on the island with minimimum

the dose are "sr and +3’cs,

external exposure,

All living patterns involving

a survey of Bikini

Atoll was conducted in June 1975.

Bikini Island exceed federal

External gamma measurements were made

guidelines for 30-yr population

on Bikini and Eneu Islands, and soil


and vegetations samples collected to

pattern leads to doses that are

evaluate the potential doses via ter-

slightly less than federal guide-

restrial food chains and inhalation.


Estimates of potential dose via the

for Bikini Atoll lead to higher

marine food chain were based upon data

doses than those on the southern

The Eneu Island living

All patterns evaluated

collected on previous trips to the atoll. islands at Enewetak Atoll.

Purpose of the 1975 Bikini Survey
Bikini Atoll is one of two sites in
the northern Marshall Islands that

PF 50505

were used by the United States as testing
grounds for the nuclear weapons


Select target paragraph3