Geneva Conference

Atoms for reace

Dr. Bugher expanded his previous remarks regarding the

activities of the Geneva Conference.

It was his belief that the conference

from the very beginning to the final general session was an outstanding


He noted that no political notes or views were injected.

Every effort was made to make it underscore science and to subdue politics.
Dr. LeFevre summarized the work in Dr. McDaniel's office which was concerned
with the technical papers program and the handling of the operations in

Mr. Butenhoff explained the various facets of the official United States

He said that a total of 36,200 persons viewed the exhibit in a

two week period and in some cases there were close to 1000 persons per
hour seeking admission.

Mr. Butenhoff brougnt out that the exhibit of fuel elements received a

sreat deal of attention from other countries because this is really the
first time that the AEC has even broken down the classification barriers

and shown fuel elements as they are used.
Dr. Warren commented briefly with respect to the Russian medical exhibit.
Two things in particular were stressed,

(1) the use of isotopes, P-32 were

being used, where in the United States, X-ray is used for superficial
lesions such as angiomas, skin cancer, ete; (2) the Russians have gone
into the cobalt program rather extensively at an early date.


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