

> V


Upton, NewYork 11973



Medical Department

August 30,

ETS 6646- 3977

Walter H, Weyzen, M.D.
Manager, Human Health Studies Programs

Division of Biomedical and Environmental

U.S. Department of Energy
Washington, DC 20545
Dear Walter,

Thanks so much for calling back this morning about the
Tabershaw meeting.
I am delighted that it went the way it
I'm sure that Tabershaw and Steve Lamb will do an outstanding job no matter what the magnitude but Dr. Tabershaw
I believe has the entire concept of the study and really is
looking at a major revision in the epidemiologic framework.
It would be great 1f 1t could be implemented but again, the
fiscal constraints are controlling.
I was sorry to have
mentioned the problems with the Bikinians both from the standpoint of authorization and compensation but these are very
practical problems that spell the difference between success
and failure for us in the field.
It's a very bad feeling to
stand in front of those people and to try and answer questions
for which I have no authorization or guidelines.
I feel like
idiot having to juggle those questions for a year now.
I am enclosing a series of addendum including an updated
position paper for the BNL medical surveys listing 5 instead
of 4 options, as requested by Bruce Wachholz.
In addition,

there 18 a comparative analysis of the traditional (1954-1978)

Brookhaven National Laboratory Medical Program and required
revisions in light of actual and projected expansion, the
next paper is a logistic planning memorandum for Dr. Cronkite,
listing the man days for each incremental increase in the

medical examinations by island.

The next is a short discussion

and a graph of costs for each of these incremental increases
“and finally there is a discussion of bench mark dates for the
For example, we must begin immediate exploration for
procurement of a "new" ship to support the various laboratories.
It would seem that requirements for this ship would be generated
by a combined logistic planning meeting and that that logistic


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