report states believe it highly important US-Japanese relations we
appear as solicitous re Japanese as re South Sea islanders,


Dispatch March 19 contains the text of the Embassy's press re-

lease put out 6 FM Friday March 19,

"I have been pleased to learn

of the prompt action which is being taken by both Japanese and American
authorities to provide the most effective possible medical and technical

assistance to those affected by the accident which befell tne Fukuryu

This assistance is being offered out of humanitarian concern

for the injured crew members and concern for the public safety.


wish to renew the assurance already given that US civilian and military
personnel and facilities in Japan are available to give the greatest
possible degree of assistance to the Japanese authorities who have
already shown themselves alert and vigorous in dealing with the problem,
Our joint investigations of the incident are already well under way,
and will, I believe, lead to

findings which we can both accept,


advance of those findings I am authorized to make clear that the US
is prepared to take such steps as may be necessary to insure fair and
just compensation if the facts so warrant."

The foregoing was read

to Vice Minister Okumura, who expressed gratification and believed
statement would have very helpful effect,


Select target paragraph3