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April 12.

allison to Bugher - In final meeting April 6 at Foreign

Office between two teams (Embassy telegram 22) Japanese, while contiming
refusal authorize examinations by U. S. doctors, expressed willingness
supply copies all laboratory data they were corpiling.

Dr. Morton asked

for whatever was available, and particularly for complete blood-counts and
clinical progress reports.
March 27-April 6,

Japanese gave them white blood-count readings

Since that time no further data supplied.

In April 7 letter to Foreign Minister, Ambassador stated U. S. willingness to leave AFCC liaison physician in Tokyo, if Japanese doctors desire,

to receive reports and provide direct channel to Dr. Morton.

Or if situation

changes so that attending physicians and patients wish AECC consultative
eervices, arrangements would be so made.

Both offers reiterated in Embassy

public statement April 9, and U. S. desire for effective cooperation restated

in its aide memoire April 10.

Okazaki acknowledged receipt April 7 letter,

but no affirmative responses re substance forthcoming.
In fact this uncooperative attitude and departure Eisenbud and Morton,
our tactic for immediate present seems to leave next move to Japanese.


working level contacts have been correct, matter of fact, and transactional.
First product this official coolness may have come today when Dr. Kekehi, Tokyo
Hospital telephoned ABCC saying two week samples urine all 23 patients now
ready for delivery to U. S. side whenever government so authorized.


would also be prepared supply regular weekly samples in future every Tuesday.
On basis all present indications, most that Japanese will be prepared
to do will be to transmit copies laboratory data and excretory samples.





Select target paragraph3