-18 would designate two desired for examination.

Japanese doctors would consider

and work out selections by mutual agreement; (B) Examinations would be per-

mitted for twenty mimutes for each patient; (C) “xaminations would be limited
to history and external physical; (D) Examinations would not begin until
after April 7.

The Japanese stated willingness supply copies all laboratory

data they have charted and transmitted charts white blood counts taken all

patients since arrival Tokyo March 27.
have better than even chance survive.

Opinion expressed all patients now
U. S. side indicated impossibility

make examination in twenty minutes bud did not categorically reject offer at
this meeting.
This morning Okazaki recuested me to call, received presentation
yesterday's meeting, said tventy minutes limit obviously insufficient for
examination but this was conceived more to break psychological ice and after
patients acquired more confidence perhaps longer sessions with more patients
would be possible.

He bespoke need for additional patience and gradual

approach to allay hervous fears of chiidishly ignorant fishermen.

I said

U. S. doctors had been demonstrating full measure patients since !"arch 18.
Cuestion was not whether they were sufficiently patient but whether Japanese

government.wished accept Ue & offers assistance.
replied official regrets had already been extended.

On request for apology I
He thought apology might

be deleted if he could say in Diet American Ambassador had conveyed regrets.
After reviewing entire situation with Eisenbud and Morton I sent
Okazaki letter tonight briefly reviewing backgrcund, saying Eisenbud and

Morton would be leaving; are willing visit two patients tomorrow, as proposed,


Select target paragraph3