





March 30.

Allison to Bugher - I have asked Eisenbud participate

tomorrow in my regular off-record briefing of U. S. press representatives

They have strongly urged his appearance on grounds Japanese officials

and scientists have been issuing continual series inflammatory and inaccurate
statements regarding Fukurya Maru incident and they lack background for appraisal.


March 30.

Allison to Bugher - I saw Okazaki this morning immediately

before Cabinet meeting and set forth serious effects continued failure of
cooperation may have both for critically ill FM sailors and for medical and

scientific knowledge useful to both countries.

Okazaki promised to do his best.

Okazaki telephoned this evening to say (A} Eisenbud and Morton will
have full access to patients beginning tomorrow.

Arrangements should be made

by them directly with directors of hospitals concerned.

He thought everything

would be adjusted to their satisfaction, but if there were any slip, he
(Okazaki) should be informed immediately. (B) No tests have been made on
patients yesterday because of their extreme nervousness.

After day rest tests

will begin. (C) At meeting April 2 findings of all participating doctors and
technicians will be reviewed.

Dr. Morton and Eisentmd are specifically

invited attend.
No reports regarding patients available to us today.

One measure

government's and our difficulty is fact that examination and treatment of the
seven patients hospitalized at Tokyo University have been divided among four
independent medical services.


Okazaxi'ts intervention with Minister Welfare

Select target paragraph3