Colonel Kenneth ¥. Fields
wees fs



11 October 1951

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(bv) Responsibility
forall muslear tests.
At the present tine, the Los Alenos Scientific Laboratory maine
tains s complete technical test organization for the conduct of all
phases of atemic weapon tests. It would be possible to reduce this

. @rganization to a division concerned solely with the experizental
measurements cf direct interest to the Jos Alamos Scientific

Laboratory weapon development. The actual test aduinistration and
' operation would then be cerried out by cthers, and the Los Alanos
Bcientifio Laboratory would merely request an appropriate test
operation from time to time when the stage of technical development
‘Warranted. Buch s decision would release perhaps fifty or sixty

people, many of whom would not be suitable for technical work else-

where and would have to be terminated to make their housing»

available for additional technical personnel. —

It should also be understood that in this ease as well, we do

not believe that the interest of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory

will be as well served under such an arrangenent as they would under

the present circumstances. Wevertheless, it is an activity now
largely carrie4 on by otherindividuels te.g. 10,000 people at

Enivetok) and might be completely transferred elsevhere..

(c) Responsibilityfor developing impect resistant implosion weapons.
Buch weapons will again involve little new nucleonics but would .

involve an extensive amount of test and engineering much of which
vould of necessity have to be carried on by other agencies. By

abandoning responsibility in this field (although, of course, retain-

ing full willingness to consult and to carry out such experimental
research as the engineering tests may indicate), perhaps development |

could be speeded - or at least its progress not made the responsi~

bility of Los Alamos.




Such a transfer of responsibility would not. free persomel at ’
Los Alamos since none are engaged in this program at present.
Nowever, it might give the military a more active sense of perticie«
pation in weapon development in an area where they are perhaps
somevhat qualified,

Responsibility for SF material recovery.


Im the course of its research ané development work the

laboratory will have a continuing need for the fabrication of active

material in various shapes. At the present time the recovery of
turnings, crucibles, and miscellaneous waste is a laboratery





Select target paragraph3