Dr. Hal Hollister
July 29, 1977
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eating breadfruit and pendanus.
to eat these food sources,

The returnees were told not

In addition, measurable traces

of plutonium have been found in their urine.

Based on these reports and others we have received it is
apparent that attempts to communicate the risks of contamination have been unsuccessful.
Yet, in the near future, returning natives will be formally provided with specific instruct. .

tions and recommendaticns for avoiding "hot spots" and contaminated

food sources.

From our knowledge of the culture and life style

of returnees we would predict that many of the recommendations
won't be followed and further complicate the total rehabitation

Steps must be taken to monitor and assess the hehavioral
response of returnees to safety recommendations.

To accomplish

this we would urge ERDA to take the initiative to sponsor a
systematic assessment of the rehabitation process including

a specific assessment of the behavioral patterns associated with
adapting and coping with radiological levels.

The assessment would emphasize the behavioral components of
the response to safety standards and relationships with
long-term adjustment over the next four years, the period of

time set aside to complete the rehabitation process.
behavioral patterns are likely to emerge that are directly
connected with the presence of radiation and knowledge of the
thyroid problems experienced by natives at Rongelap and


In the course of planning and conducting the assessment, a

number of substantive questions can be raised, as follows:

What adjustments and accommodations will be

made by relocatees in response to safety
To what extent will normal

daily life styles be affected?


Can ERDA be assured that relocatees will

fully comprehend the concept of radiation

exposure and the intrinsic rationale for

the imposttion of safety instructions and



What sociocultural norms and sanctions, if any,
will emerge that will prevent returnees from
frequenting off~limit areas and eating con-

taminated food?

How will they be enforced?

Select target paragraph3