Orerrtinn Plan

CTG 7.3 Noe 1-53

Perform rescue missions as directed,

(See snnex EB),


Provide a capability for rapid surface movement of ground

defense forces between ENIWETOK and BIKINI dAtclls in the event of eMEryeNncys

(9) Provide control heming ship for 7G 7,4 aircraft at shet tines

4f required,


Comnander Carricr Unit shall perform the following tasks:

Transport from the west coest to the forward areca the following?

15 F84G Senpler Aircraft (TG 7,4)

3 to 6 £20 aircraft (TG 7,4)

10 HRS Alrersft (IG 7,3)

6 F4OU-5N aircrafs (TG 7,3)

2 LCPL tyre Barge and Gig with dollies (CTG 7,3)

3 Trailers 27' long 11! high 8' wide, weight 18,000 lbs (TG 7,1)
600 subie feet, 10 tons water spray equipment (TC 7.3)

2 675 eubic feet reefers

2 8GPH distilling units
assorted resreation equipment

Radiac Instruments -(TG 7,1)


22 Officers, 7@ enlisted men (TG 7,4)

3 Officers or officer class, 2 enlisted men (TG 7.3)

32 (fficers end 142 enlisted (Navel Air Units)


Operate e ship-te-shore and inter-island helicopter lift

system at BIKINI «toll to support pre—shot operaticns, post-shot surveys and
scientific data recovery,

(See Annex N).


£ssist TG 7.4 with inter-island airlift operations at EXTIWETOK


Provide decontarination facilities eboard CVE for own aircraft

as directed by CTG 7,3

dy assigning helicopters to CTG 7,4 operational


and assigned sir Force helicopters,



Select target paragraph3