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Joint Task Force SEVEN


Operation Plan ~
CTG 7.3 No. 1-53






Eniwetok Atoll, M.I.
8 April 1954, 1800M

Appendix IV to Annex G
Radioactive Fallout Reports
1. For one week following each shot each ship shall report radioactive fallout
encountered as follows:
a. A report shall be made of fallout readings (gamma only) of 1 mr per hour

or higher.

b. Only the value of gamma radiation shall be reported.


c. Reports will be coded as follows: 'Rabbit" followed by a number to
indicate average topside activity, the number indicating mr per hour (gamma
only); "Catfollowed by a number to indicate maximum activity found on the
ship, the number indicating mr per hour (gamma only). Thus a message "Rabbit-


2 Cat 7" indicates the average topside activity is 2 mr per hour (gamma only),

and the maximum activity found on the ship is 7 mr per hour (gamma only).

Fractional numbers will be reported as the nearest whole number.


Thus if the

average topside activity is 3.& mr per hour (gamma only) and the maximm

activity found on the ship is 8.4 mr per hour (gamma enly) the message to be
sent is "Rabbit 4, Cat 8",


d. New reports shall be made when the average topside activity increases
to more than twice that last previously reported or decreases to less than
half that last previously reported.

-e. Reports shall be sent by radio or light to CTC 7.3, to the USS BAIROKO,

and to the USS ESTES.

These reports shall be delivered to the RadSafe Center

on the BATROKO end to the RadSafe Office on the ESTES,

f. Reports shall be sent on TG 7.3 UHF Admin or CW Common or on TG 7.1 Pogo

or Admin Nets, as appropriate.



g. One week after each shot every ship shall send to CTG 7.3 a complete
letter report on radioactive contamination experienced since the shot occurred.
As applicablej~each letter shall include a table with estimated average intensity

topside. in.milliroentgens per hour and approximate position of ship in latitude

and longitud@at.fallowing times:. Hourly on the hour from How hour to 2000M Dog

"> .. day; every:four;hours from 2000M Dog day. to O40OM Dog plus two day; daily at

Q800M Dog plus: two -






Select target paragraph3