oe eeeate

#! weakness and prostration,

Mortality produced by an acute exposure of 150

;, roentgegs will be very low and eventual recovery of physical fitness may
_ be expected.

ae. Field eommandersshould, therefore, assume that if substantial

“mumbers of their men receive acute radiation exposures substantially
above 100 roentgens there is a grave risk that their commands will
rapidly become ineffective as fighting units.
Ce Internal radiation hazards caused by entry of radioactive sub“* gtances through the mouth, through the lungs or through euts or wounds
_ .do not exist after an air’ burst. Internal hazards following a contam' inating surface explosion may be-avoided if ordinary preeautions are

- taken. OQnly under unusual circumstances will there be internal hazard
_ from residual contamination, This eliminates the necessity for mas<ing
* and consequent reduction of tactical efficiency.
» Ube The Radiological Safety Officer, Task Group 7.1 wil maintain standard

. type film badge records of radiation exposures for all Task Force personnel.
_ Records will indicate full name, rank or rate, serial om service number, if
applicable, organization, home station or laboratory, date of exposure,

“ and remarks such as limitations on assignment because of exposure. Upon
aoe of the operation, disposition of these records will be as follows:
: om vs

aA consolidated list ef exposures Msting military personnel, and

Fee a civilian personnel under military control, by full name, rank or rate,

+ serial or: service number (if applicable), organization, home station or
oa “laboratory and exposure in millircentgens together with exposed film
badges |aa cont rol film badges will be forwarded to the Chief, AFSWP.




RS Beh consclidated List of personnel and exposures will‘be forwarded

-‘te the@ Director, |Division of Biology and Medicine, AEC.

‘Gee‘ Yndtvidual records of Navy military and civilian persennel will be
x forwarded to theif unit of assignment for inclusion in the individual's .
health record (MedicalHistory Sheets and NavMed H-8), For those militafy-- ~~
personesexposed ta fonizing radiation in excess of that defined by-para~ " 771"-.!

graph 3ashove, a statement will be included to the effeet that the ine ||

dividualjs dot te be subjected to.ionizing radiation hefore a specific°°

fate,thddate tobe computed by the Radiological SafetyOfficer, Task Sn
“Group 7.1to allow.sufficient time to elapse in order te bring the average ”
"radiation dose down to 0.3 roentgens per week,


Select target paragraph3