Jcint Task Feree SEVEN



CTG'7.3 No. 1-53



Task Group 7.3


“Washington 25, D. C.

7? December 1953, 1200R

Appendix I to Annex G


Radiological Safety Regulations

The Maximmn Permissible Bxposures (MPEs) and Maxinur rermissible

Limits (ls) as stated herein are applicable to a field experinental test
of nuclear devices in peacetime wherein numbers of personnel engaged in
these tests heve been previously exposed or will be continuously exposed
to potential radiation hazards, It may become necessary from a study of
personnel records to reduce the MrE for certain individuals who heve

recently been ever~exposed to radiation, Further, the MPEs and MrLs are
subject to revision by waiver from the Task Ferce Commander in individually

desieneted cases when circumstances indicate the need and Justification

2. “The to the special nature of field tests it is considered that a policy
of strict adherence to the radiclogical standards prescribed for routine

work is not realistic.

The reguirtions set forth herein heve been designed

ap @& reasonable and safe compromise considering conservation of personnel

exposures, the international import of the test and the cost aspects of


operational delays chargeable to excessive radiological precautions. In
all cases other than emergencies or trctical situations, the ultinate
criteria will be linited by the MPEs for personnel, Special instances. may

frise such as in the cese of an air-sea rescue within the Radex, or in the


sese of a tactical situation, in which operations will be cerried out with


“gut regard to the MPEs and Mrls prescribed herein, For such emergency or
' tactical operations the criteria prescribed below for tactical situations
will be used as a guide. Wherever poasible, however, film badges will be
carried and RadSefe monitors will accompany such operations to determine
the extent of the aetucl radiation hazard experienced in order that


appropriate medical action may be initiated.

‘3. a


The MPE for personnel involved in this operetion is 3.9 roentgens

(garma only),


This exposure may be acquired at any time during a thirteen .

(13} week period... Provided no previous over-exposure remains for com


“+ pengetion, 3.9. roentgens may be acquired without regard to the individuals =
' past gedlation history, This M‘E will be considered further augmented _ oe


(wi$hout separate aetion) by 0.3 roenteens/week f or each week in excess of .

cei. thigt
een (23) w5 eeks of the operational periods -+







. st


De All expesure to external gama ‘radiation will be regardedas "total bedy irradiation,

Select target paragraph3