
Cais” annex suppienents Annex

of CuTY SEVEN OpPlan 3-53, the

: provision of which are applicable: to ail units of this command,

op“Redtelogical safety of all task force military end civilian per~-

‘penne is a commend responsibility and rediological aatety activition will

2porfoynes through normal command channe18.



7) Badlological ‘Defense (adDefense) operations, or teste
Safety (RadSafe) operations, short term RadOps, are general terns, Thoy
are used to denote the means by which a unit. can control and-confine the’.

aanage. end radivloglcal effects of an atomic explosion, or of radioactive.

‘material spread by other means, thereby preventing and avoiding health’:
_haxsarde to personnel, They are interpreted to include such measures OB training, organization, distritution of radielogical personnel, aeveleprent
of techniques and procedures-for use of detecting equipment, protection‘en..
,/ removal of exposed personnel, and decontamination of personnel,‘strachires.;

_ Sadeqnippent.







oe S




' (2)- Following each detonation there will de: areas 6f eurfece Be
FadLological contaminationand areas of air radiological contentnations :—

‘. @hese areas are designated as Radielogical Exclusion Areas (Radex), : Prier:
- $0: shot-tines, the forecast air and surface Radex will be disseminated

*.C3TF SEVEN in.the ‘tar 1%area, . These Radexes will represent aforecast i.A

from HOW Hour (H-Hour) until dissemination ef a-iater surface and: airRadex
agsobout H plus 4 hours: The Jater Zadexeg will be based upon the. masten*
“Padtolegical."situationmap! maintained in the RadSafe Office of CJTF SEVEN
Binca-the “air: Radex after:phot ‘time willbe based on monitoredair tracking
teatirereft: over.
ampere Terge ocean erees, infornatien promigated. fre

J espmecsured:

radiation aogtge: :

_ which would be encountered ah the aurface of the: ground or water, . Actual’
water samples from the lagoon will also be utilized, Ground survey will.
follow these guides $o determine: definitely: |the contaminated regions-and.

Select target paragraph3