


Operetion Plan
CTG 7.3 No, 1-53


Comrender Transrert Unit shell p2rforn the following tasks?

(1) Transport the special devices and the neccssary barges and
associated personnel between and within ENINITOE and BIKINI u.tolls, as directed,

(2) Provide shipboard facilities for pre-shot evecuation of Task
Foree personnel for BIEINI «atoll,


Provide afloat barracks accormodations and adrinistrative space


Provide surface transportation for personnel end materials be-

in Persennel Transport Element for TG 7,5 during BIKINI operetions,
&ppeniix II to annex C),


tween BIAINI cnd BUIWETOX stolls, end other designated points,

Jax doch df pop fr doy!

(1) Tuts operation plan is effective for plenning purposes on
receipt end is effective for all units upon reporting to CiG 7.3 for operetion—
el control, Commanding Officers of all snips and units are required to be
thoroughly familiar with CUTF SEVEN OpPlen 3~53 to insure intelligent per—formance cf assigned tasks, A seperate CTG 7,3 Operation order wil). be promulseted for cach shot.

All units, except VP-29, shell be prepnred to provide working

parties to assist Commander aw Saip Countermeasures Test Unit.

(3) Commander Carrier Unit and Commander Joint Task Force Flagship
Unit will provide and maintain recreation facilities for TG 7,3 rersonnel at
their respective bases,


All units heving arganized landing forces te prepared to lend


#11 units shall provide for the radiological safety cf all en~


All waits shall be prppered to provide erergency post—shot

such to assist in eround defense of ENIWETOK and BILINI Atolls, if so dir-—

barked Task Force personnel,

evacuation of all personnel from toth atolls for a period of Leas than 48
hours, <A detailed plan to cover this contingency will be prce..ulgated befsre
the shot period.



Select target paragraph3