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(5) Provide logistic support for the Navy aircraft participating
in scientific programs.
(6) Assist in post-shot location of collector buoys for fall-out

vhen directed marke two

CTG 7.4 for inter-atoll airlift.

specially configured :BN-5A available to

Cormander Joint Task Force Flagship Unit shall perform the following


Provide shipboard command, control and communications facilities


Frovide facilities and personnel for the Joint Task Force


Provide command, control and communications facilities for

for CJTF SZVEN and staff.
Weather Central.

CTG 7.4.

(4) Provide assistance to TG 7.1 with certain scientific projects,
including the major portion of personnel required for decontamination of
drone ships,


Commander Utility Unit shall perform the following tasks:

Provide general tug services as directed,

(2) Assist TG 7,5 in mooring shot barges and, in preventing loss of
barge~loaded devices in heavy weather or other emergency.


Assist TG 7,1 in carrying out scientific projects, including


Assict Commander TU 7.3.5 with remote control, towing, ship


Plax mcoring buoys for TG 7.3 boat pool craft.


Assign ATF's to other task units as directed.

the positioning and recovery of test equipment and free floating buoys.
evacuation and dscon’aniration facilities.


Commander AW Ship Countermeasures Test Unit shall perform the follow-

ing tasks:


Prepare and train drone ships and control units for tests,

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Select target paragraph3