scope and its sponsorship will be authoratative,

It is the

Commission's belief that greater and more prompt knowledge will
be derived from this study than would be possible under any
international undertaking to determine the effects of atomic
radiation on living organisms,

The National Academy of

Sciences will have access to classified information of the
Commission dealing with the types and yields of nuclear weapons
which could not, in the vital interest of our national security,
be made available to an international panel of scientists,
Access to such classified weapons data is essential toa
comprehensive study of radiation effects,

Furthermore, an

international undertaking of this sort might conceivably be
frustrated by world politics and most certainly could nct begin
to function as quickly as the thoroughly objective appraisal
which the National Academy is undertaking,
It is important to bear in mind the extent to which our

security and the security of the free world is dependent upon
the nuclear tests -- both the testing of the so-called H-bombs
in the Pacific and the smaller atomic devices in Nevada,

These tests involve more than the developing of atomic

important as that obligation is,

which can be obtained in no other manner,

They provide vital data,

on which to build a

sound and effective system of civil defense against the eventuality
of an enemy attack,

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Select target paragraph3