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contour maps for that island.

To an estimated 3.3 yR/h mean cosmic ray

exposure rate at this latitude was added 0.2 uR/h to account for naturally
occurring nuclides in the soil and sea water.

The minor contamination of


the southern islands/relatively uniform and the mean Tos and 60¢9 exposure



rates were chosen by inspection of the individual EG&G contour maps.

There are wide variations in exposure rates on many of the northern

islands and in a few areas the exposure rates may be as high as 100-500 wR/h.
An examination of the data, indicates that the exposure rates given in Table
II are reasonable estimates of the area weighted means values.

(If anything

they may be slightly conservative since we suspect that although the EG&G
aerial data agrees well with the TLD data, the Letter may overestimate @


‘earinicat because of the minimal beta-ray shielding off the TLD device. )


Thus the. integrated values determined from thete measurements should be
reasonable estimates of the average doses to population groups although
some individuals might well receive much higher doses.


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The ‘omieel gamma-ray exposure rate contributions from 60g and 137 cs


inferred from the EC&G data agree, well with values independently inferred.

Select target paragraph3