Part IV - Reactor Development
Proposed legislation to encourage industrial participation
in nuclear power development was redrafted and submitted

to the Bureau of the Eudget in November, 1953.


recently, a draft bill was transmitted to the Joint

Committee on Atomic Mmergy at the time the President's

message of February 17, 1954, was submitted to the Congress.)
Additional study agreements with industry groups were approved,
bringing to eight-fendmore-recentiz-to twelve) the number of
groups of industrial and utility concerns engeged in surveys of reactor technology,
-Pressurized tater Reactor.

Following cancellation of the large-

snip reactor project, pursuant to the Council's decision of
last May, the Commission determined that an early demonstration
of a nuclear power plant for civilian electric power plant for
civilian electric power should be underteken. The resulting
PressurizedVater Reactor project, known as the PR, is being

Gevelored by Westinghouse, which will also fabricate the reactor.
Present plans are to complete its construction in 1957, ata

site still to be selected.

The Commission is studying proposals from industry under
which the steam turbine end electric generator facilities might
be financed and operated by private enterprise.
Development of other power reactor designs, such as the fastbreeder, homogeneous, and sodium-graphite types, is proceeding
more cautiously and with minimum capital costs.
Submarine reactors.

The STR prototype at Idaho has operated

“well.TheSirprototypeat West Milton, N. Y., is to be
comcleted inSeptember, 195). The NAUTILUS was launched
Jenuary 21, 195). The SEAMOLF is to be completed in 1955.

Development work has been authorized.for a Submerine Advanced

zeactor (SAR)«

fircreft reactor emphasis is now largely concentrated on poser
pliant development. Efforts are being restricted to two types
of systems; a direct-cycle, air-cooled reactor and a circulatingfeel reactor.
Part VY - Unit Costs and Expenditures
Since fiscal year 1951, the mit cost of plutonium hes been lowered

2 percent and the unit cost of uranium 235 has been lowered

LS percent.

These reductions have been accomplished cesrite



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