capacity is now becoming available. The first Savannah River
reactor started up December 28, the second on February 203
all five are to be in operation by next February. Two jurbo~
size reactors at Hanford will be started up within the next



Uraniun 235 production was 27 percent more than t
indicated in the President's directive.

average rate of

production in the July-December period“was about double the

average rate for calendar year 1952,

The diffusion plants

still under construction at Oak Ridge, Paducah, and Portsmouth

are all to be in full operation by July 1956,

(Sharply increased tritium production now planned will be at the
expense of both plutonium and uranium 235 production otherwise

available for fission weapons.)

Part III ~ Weapons
The immediate objective of the weapons program is to achieve
emergency capability to deliver thermonuclear weapons. A
ionger range objective is improved thermonuclear designs.
At operation CASTLE, seven thermonuclear shots are being fired,

Weapon production schedules for the next 2 or 3 years emphasize
fabrication of thermonuclear weapons.
Fission weapon development continues on atomic warhead installe~
tions for various guided missiles, and two types have begun to
enter stockpile. Work on other imrroved-type fission weapons
has been extended to two artiliery-fired projectiles, one for
the Navy and one for the army.
The number of nuclear assemblies in stockpile showed

Select target paragraph3