The OCB should therefore be in a position to express its

views with respect to important actions in the field of nuclear
energy which it feels would have significant bearing on overseas
"It is recognized that in such natters as nuclear energy,
donestic action cannot be separated froi their overseas linpact.
In view of already established nechanisuis, the OCB should not
be the final authority for balencine douestic considerations
against overseas considerations with respect to actions and

statements in the field of nucicar enerpy.

In the event there

is the necessity to eveluate the overscas considerations against

those that must be considered daiesticaily, the OCB will notify
the NSC of such conflict of intcrest.
"In fulfiilnent of the above, the OCB will develop suidance
setting forth cliete~of-opinion objectives which may be
affected by nuclear energy projects and related information


Request bhs BRE to iseue the Lollowing monoreandm:
"In order to coordinate projects and related information
prograns in the nuclear energy fieid which nay affect the
international security interests of the United States, the

Operations Coordinating Board shall advise with the several
agencies concerned with respect to the advisability of actions


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Select target paragraph3